522 tuần trước — 3 phút đọc
Ask any passionate entrepreneur or business owner, and they will tell you how 24 hours are not enough in a day to address the multiple priorities and tasks. While the duration of a day cannot be adjusted, one can definitely plan better to make the most of the time at hand.
Business meetings are no exception to this.The time allocated for business meetings usually seems short, but with effective planning and execution, meetings can be made more productive and effective.
In the words of Tim A. Lewis, "An effective meeting is 80 percent planning, 20 percent execution. Too often people spend most of their time in the meeting and the least amount of time getting ready for it. Plan better meetings. They don't just happen."
Here are 5 ways entrepreneurs & business owners can leverage GlobalLinker to make meetings more productive & effective:
In a business, meetings can be a vital means of sharing ideas and brainstorming. In order to have the most productive meetings, careful planning and execution is necessary. The Calendar module on GlobalLinker is the most efficient tool to plan your meetings.
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GlobalLinker StaffWe are a team of experienced industry professionals committed to sharing our knowledge and skills with small & medium enterprises.
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