I am an opportunist at work. Keen lover to seek/create ideas and to implement the same for business. Currently have founded 3 ventures Happy Cultures (www.happycultures.in), ThEnGa - The Enlightened Garbage (www.facebook.com/dthenga) and Artika - We Build Your Desire. Earlier used to work as a Cost & Source Engineer with HONDA CARS INDIA with an expertise on Cost Estimation-Analysis, Part Planning, Vendor Development and Market Research. Also worked for a short while in the field of freight for
Kabadiwala Innovations LLP is a start up based out of Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh, India. Our aim as a start up is to work towards building opportunities and / or platforms that would help towards awareness towards the up-cycling model. Its this very aim that has brought together a team of software and banking professionals on-board to create a marketplace where we would like to collaborate with artisans only in the up-cycled categories.
Export to more than 10 countries and also expand its domestic market while growing organically with new products and developments in Ambient perfumery. We deeply believe in Natural Extracts and Essential oils and going forward we pledge our resources in the business of Extraction of natural essential oils.