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BICO - Brief In Creative Out is the world's first AI enabled online creative agency. Marketing communication creatives, be it a leaflet, web banner, logo or website is critical to an SME to generate interest in their product. However SMEs do not get easy access to quick and quality creative services. He has to depend on a freelancer, pay an agency big fees or spend hours at a DIY site! On BICO, an SME can simply enter his brief on the format provided and get his creatives in a matter of hours for a fraction of the cost!
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Nhà cung cấp dịch vụ / Dịch vụ chuyên môn
Ngành Marketing, Quảng cáo & PR > Quảng cáo
Vị trí Mumbai (Ấn Độ) |
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Công ty có hồ sơ tương tự
xyz marketing company ind
India, Mumbai
xyz marketing company
India, Mumbai
xyz company
India, Mumbai
India, Hyderabad
United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Seo Dubai
United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Manoj Silva
Sri Lanka, Colombo 10
India, Noida